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RYSE ENERGY - AIR® Loyalty Program

Ryse Energy thanks our AIR customers, 25+years and going strong!

2-Year Warranty on Ryse Energy repaired turbines under Loyalty Program

(No repairs/parts on 303/403 AIR turbines)

AIR® Repair and Upgrade Loyalty Program:

AIR® turbines eligible to be repaired/upgraded under the Loyalty Program shall be no more than 12-years old "Marine Turbine" - 15-years old "land turbine."  Older AIR® turbines we are happy to offer discounted parts unders the AIR® Loyalty program pricing below.  Questions?  Please contact us at [email protected].

Turbine will be upgraded to the latest control algorithm by replacing the Pic chip on the control electronic circuit board. This will provide the latest control upgrade available and is especially critical if you have a Lithium-Ion battery bank. The full circuit will not be replaced. Upgrade includes full turbine inspection and cleaning (slip ring, brushes and nacelle) and retest after installation of Pic chip. Shipping not included in price.

(Prior to Shipment) Turbines will require, by customer, partial disassembly to ascertain ability to fix/upgrade. We will require pics and a conversation with Tech Support. This is critical to determine if the turbine can be repaired or upgraded. If corrosion is present in turbine, Primus must be made aware to determine eligibility of repair. There may be a $65 inspection/disassembly fee to determine if turbine is repairable under Loyalty Program. The $65 fee will be waived if turbine is determine to be repairable or new turbine is purchased.

Upgrade to a New Turbine:

3-Year Warranty on Ryse Energy new from factory turbines

Discounted Pricing (with trade-in of old turbine-customer responsible for shipping to Houston, TX/ factory service center)

Important Notice

RE: Loyalty Program Terms & Conditions

TurbineAIR 30/40AIR Breeze / AIR X Marine AIR Silent XAIR MaX
Retail (MAP) $1100$1347 $1705 $1540
Loyalty Price with trade-in$949$1190$1470$1319
AIR 303/403 (no trade-in required)$989$1250$1539$1369